One of the most confusing myths about vinyl wrap is that it can be healed by using heat. While some vinyl materials have this capacity, the film that has these qualities is called paint protection film or PPF for short. PPF is installed and cut like vinyl car wraps, but that is where the similarities end. They are comprised of different materials, use different technology, and serve different consumer types. You’ll also hear the term clear bra associated with PPF.
Customers who seek out paint protection film are usually looking for a superior protective solution for the surface of their vehicle, mainly the paint surface, and front end or exposed sections that are prone to being hit by road debris. Vinyl wraps on the other hand are mainly for decorative purposes.
For superior protection both a paint protection film and vinyl wrap can benefit from the installation of a nano ceramic coating. This will help the film improve hydrophobic properties, which allows water and other debris to sheet off the surface with extraordinarily little effort.
If a vinyl wrapping is not protected by a nano ceramic coating or another customized vinyl protectant, it can and often will hold up for just a few years. UV rays, natural toxins and chemicals will slowly begin to deteriorate the vinyl surface. If the car wrapping installed on the car’s paintwork is struck by rocks or other road debris, it will tear and will require replacement.