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A Brief Guide to Window Tint Maintenance

Dec 07, 2022

1. Caring for Your Tinted Windows

Once your car’s windows have the tint installed, you’ll have to wait for the window tint to cure. Curing is the time it takes for the tint on each window to dry. The number of days it can take for this process to complete is anywhere from a week to one month.

It’s super important to let the curing process take its course. If the moisture doesn’t evaporate, there’s a likelihood that the moisture will remain. It will be there between the window film and the glass.

This is the last thing you want. This moisture can cause a hazy appearance. It will be difficult to maintain your tinted windows if there is a hazy appearance.

After the curing process is over, you will be good to start maintaining your tinted windows.

2. Buy the Right Cleaning Products and Tools

You’ll need to have the right cleaning products and tools on hand before you start on this task. Tinted window maintenance involves more than gathering lots of wet paper towels. Wet paper towels will not do the job.

To keep the window tints looking brand new, use a cleaner that is ammonia-free. This is a chemical that is too harsh. It’s an abrasive cleaner that can lead to wear. It can also lead to discoloration.

The wear on the tints can end up damaging them. This is the last thing you want to do to your window tints.

If you’re not able to find an ammonia-free cleaner that’s to your liking, stick with plain soap and a bucket of warm water. Mild soap is ideal for cleaning a dirty tinted window.

Don’t use paper towels. They can cause scratches. Instead, use a soft microfiber cloth.

Another tool you can use is a squeegee. Consider using a sponge too. These tools prevent unwanted scratches and scuffs.

Did you know you can make your own cleaner that won’t lead to any damage? All you need is baby soap, distilled water, and two tablespoons of rubbing alcohol. Mix all these ingredients together in a clean spray bottle and boom, you have your own cleaner.

3. Spotting Imperfections

If the curing process didn’t work as it should, you may find imperfections. Common imperfections include air bubbles. The good news is that you can get rid of the bubbles with a plastic card.

Wrap the plastic card in one of your dry microfiber cloths. Push the bubbles to the nearest edge. Do this in a soft manner to avoid causing any damages to the tints.

Then proceed to poke a small hole in all the bubbles with a sharp needle. This will release the air in the bubbles. You’ll find that the bubbles will disappear.

You may have heard that razor blades are a great way to remove bubbles. Don’t use razor blades to get rid of the bubbles. Razor blades can cause scratches that damage the tint film.

4. Things to Avoid Doing

Besides not using razor blades to care for the tinted windows, there are things you’ll need to avoid. Don’t use newspapers or scouring pads as these are abrasive materials.

Steam cleaning is another no-no. Steam can cause major damage to the window tint film. If you take your car for a car wash, make sure to roll down the windows if a steamer will be used.

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